
Can an airline refuse me boarding to Kenya without an ETA?

group of people in airliner

Travellers are sometimes denied boarding on flights to Kenya. Failure to comply with formalities such as the Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) or overbooking are just some of the reasons why an airline may decide to deny boarding.

Denied boarding: possible causes

Denied boarding is a measure taken by an airline when certain conditions are not met. This decision may be difficult for the passenger concerned to accept, but it is generally based on legal grounds:

  • Non-presentation or invalidity of the ETA. The ETA (Electronic Travel Authorization) is an electronic travel authorization allowing access to Kenya as part of a temporary stay (tourism, business, etc.). Nationals of visa-exempt countries must have this authorisation in order to board a plane to Kenya. If a passenger has not obtained this document or if it contains errors, the airline is entitled to deny them access to the flight.
  • Problems with travel documents. Passports may be damaged or expire too soon. The passport must be valid for at least 6 months after the date of arrival in Kenya.
  • Overbooking. This is a common practice among airlines, which sell more tickets than there are seats available on the plane, thus anticipating a certain number of cancellations and no-shows. This situation can result in denied boarding even if all other conditions are met.

Denied boarding for failure to present ETA: what to do?

If this situation applies to you, here are some tips on how to react:

  1. Check the information on your ETA carefully. Make sure that there are no errors concerning your identity and that of the applicant. If there are any errors, contact the administrative services responsible for the ETA as soon as possible to make the necessary changes.
  2. Keep your travel documents up to date. Make sure that your passport is valid for the entire duration of your stay, with at least six months of validity remaining after your planned end date in Kenya.
  3. Anticipate the steps involved in obtaining your ETA. Make your request at least a few days before the departure date so that you have enough time to receive it and, if necessary, correct any errors. Applications made in a hurry are often a source of additional stress and can lead to problematic situations.

Overbooking: what should you do if you are denied boarding?

If you find yourself in this situation when you leave for Kenya, here are a few tips to follow:

  1. Obtain a denied boarding certificate. This is issued by the airline and is an official document that will be useful for obtaining compensation at a later date.
  2. Find out about the solutions offered by the airline. This generally involves postponing the flight or using another means of transport, at the airline's expense.
  3. Assert your rights to compensation. If you are denied boarding due to overbooking, you may be entitled to financial compensation in accordance with the applicable legislation.

Denied boarding compensation: the legal framework

Denied boarding as a result of overbooking gives rise to a claim for compensation with the airline concerned. The amount of compensation varies according to the distance between your point of departure and your destination:

  • 250 euros for flights of less than 1,500 km,
  • 400 euros for intra-Community flights over 1,500 km or for all flights between 1,500 and 3,500 km,
  • 600 euros for non-EU flights over 3,500 km.

In addition, access to any additional compensation for unforeseen expenses incurred as a result of denied boarding (accommodation, meals, transport to another airport) must also be taken into account by the airline.

Avoiding denied boarding: some practical advice

To limit the risk of being refused access to a flight to Kenya, it is advisable to adopt a few good practices:

  • Always check the condition of your travel documents. Make sure they are valid and that you meet the conditions required to enter Kenya.
  • Anticipate administrative procedures. Make the necessary applications in advance, particularly for the ETA.
  • Find out about your rights and obligations when booking flights. Consult the airline's general conditions of sale for information on denied boarding, compensation and additional costs.
  • Choose reliable airlines. Carriers recognised for their professionalism are generally less likely to be faced with overbooking situations.